St Frances Cabrini Research Paper

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Saint Frances Cabrini, the first American citizen to become a saint, was born in Italy, the youngest of thirteen children. Growing up, she always wanted to be a missionary, and she dreamed of traveling to faraway lands to help people (Glavich). For example, she even said, "I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him.” During Saint Frances Cabrini's life, she had a great impact on the lives of immigrants, orphans, and Catholics. One of Saint Frances Cabrini's many important accomplishments was founding the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She started this religious order while working in the House of Providence Orphanage in 1880 ("Mother Cabrini" Missionary Sisters). Being denied from convents several times due to bad health, she founded her own to fulfil her childhood dream of becoming a missionary, with help from orphans and…show more content…
In fact, she is even the patron saint of immigrants because of this ("Mother Cabrini" Missionary Sisters). Upon coming to the United States, Saint Frances Cabrini arrived in New York. No preparations were made for her or her fellow Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. However, they persevered, and were still able to found several schools, orphanages, and hospitals in New York and other parts of the U.S. (“Mother Cabrini” SIRS). One of the hospitals she founded was the Columbus Hospital in New York for poor Italian immigrants. She also impacted the lives of immigrants by founding the first school for Italian immigrants in Chicago, Illinois, and opening hospitals there. Wherever there were waves of Italian immigrants, she followed to tend to their needs. Saint Frances Cabrini and her fellow sisters were able to provide healthcare, education, and spiritual guidance for Italian immigrants throughout the United States. ("Shrine

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