Speech About The 3 Idiots

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“This is college. Not a pressure cooker. Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip. But you call such lion ‘well trained’ not ‘well educated’ “. -Rancho, The 3 Idiots In this quote, Rancho implies that college schools should not be a place of pressures; pressure to learn and to pass. He even uses an analogy of a circus lion and college student. In his analogy, it means that a circus lion can learn to sit on a chair because of the fear of whip. Just like a student, he can learn everything because he fears the professor and fears to fail. But “well-trained” is different from “well-educated”. You can call yourself a well-educated when you learn it because you want to. I can relate this quote to myself because I am also…show more content…
Don’t study something you know you’re bad at and follow your passion”. -Rancho, The 3 Idiots This quote is about his friend that wants photography but studied engineering. This quote means that we should follow our passion and that passion is surely also our dream. We should study what we want and what we excel at. It is our advantage to do this because we are simply doing our passion to achieve our dreams. It’s like making your passion your pay check. One more important thing is that we enjoy what we are doing. I can reflect this to myself because after graduating in high school. I know I need to decide on the course to take up. I’m good in computer that is why I choose a course related to computer. I know I’m in the right track because I follow my…show more content…
Friends will be there when you’re up and even when you’re down. You can depend on them when you’re at your worst and they will remind you of stepping on the ground when you’re at your best. Thus, they will be one of your key to success. I can reflect this quote to myself because I may be able to survive this college life without having friends. They are the ones I can depend on in all kinds of troubles. They are always there to support me when I’m at my worst. They will always be a part of my success in the future. “Learning is not memorizing the exact words from the book. Learning is understanding it and being able to explain it in your own words”. -The 3 Idiots This quote explains the true meaning of learning. You can memorize all that is written on the books but after days or months, you’ll probably forget some of it. Learning is understanding what a word really means so you can explain it with your own words. When I started studying, I am not really into memorizing. I’ve rather read it many times than to memorize it. I believe that I don’t need to memorize every words instead understanding what it really means in my own few
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