Spanish American War Effects

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The Spanish-American War had a great impact on America, therefore, changing the role that America had throughout the world. Despite the vast change in America’s role amongst the other countries, few aspects remained the same. The Spanish-American War had very complex beginnings, as it was the result of several simultaneous events occurring. America’s role changes after the war since they become an imperial power. In addition, the fact that many America people believed the country was destine to happen. Although America was confronted with several complex changes, some simple aspects of America did not change after the conflict was over like the size of the naval force. The result of the war was a very complex beginning for the new powerhouse…show more content…
Tension and hostility was still on the rise for many years as Cuba had been attempting to battle Spain in an attempt for freedom but were ultimately unsuccessful in their quest for independence. America chose to become involved in helping Cuba break free from Spain’s relentless rule in hopes that Cuba would be an economical benefit to the region. In becoming involved, America would hope to provide stability within the unpredictable Cuba. After becoming active in the quest for Cuba’s independence, Spain and America came to an agreement that Cuba would become independent in January 1989 (, n.d.). Despite the agreement made between the countries, this did not happen. In retaliation, a ship was sent to Cuba in an attempt to protect its vulnerable citizens. Later, the ship was later mysteriously sunk killing the several hundred men that were on board. Congress passed the Teller Amendment which said that America would not take control over Cuba, instead war was declared on Spain in late April. The war was very short lived and lasted under a year. The conflict came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in December 1898. The role for America changed after the victory in the war against Spain. After America had prevailed in its war with Spain, their role in the world changed drastically. America suddenly became an imperial power and a country that would never be looked…show more content…
Many Americans believed that the country was meant to become a powerhouse, that they were right, and nothing or no one could stop them. They called this mindset the “Manifest Destiny” and the country was both right and inevitable. Citizens had thought that since they defeated Spain and got land as repayment that the expansion was going to happen and no one could stop the country from this; it was destiny. This ideology brought light to what would become American Nationalism, which was referencing what the citizens would have called American perfection. Although America had seen dramatic changes in their global presence, few things remained the
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