South Dakota Descriptive Essay

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The Black Hills of South Dakota have always overwhelmed me with their beauty, but on a specific Friday morning Custer State Park blew me away with its picturesque surroundings. The sun rose over the hills casting rays onto the prairie grass. The smell of food in the air made my stomach growl after a long night of sleep. People gather all around to watch the artistry unfold before them in the exhilarating buffalo round up. Once a year tourists travel from around the United States to see the cowboys of South Dakota round up the hundred head of buffalo that roam around the hills of Custer State Park. Visitors began to take on the time consuming line of cars to the parks entrance by four in the morning. As we waited in line I looked out my window to the…show more content…
The cold, crisp morning and the frozen ground beneath us made us shiver. Snow had lightly begun to fall and leave a white, glittery cover on the brown grass. Rolling hill went on for miles in the distance, but it appeared very different from the tree-covered hills we just came from. The cold ground made us very cold and we could smell the hot chocolate from the food tent. We got up and made our way to the tent, staked in the middle of a flat area, within the middle of the swarm of people. We picked up two glasses of hot chocolate and made our way back to our spots on the chilled prairie ground. The sun shown full in the sky now, and it warmed us along with our hot chocolate that burned our throats as it went down and filled our mouths with the sweet taste of chocolate. In the distance we could hear the sound to whips cracking and buffalo stomping through the valley. The crowd began to perk up and everyone became silent. In the silence of the tourists I could hear the wind whipping around me, the crunch of the frozen grass beneath our feet, and the fierce thunder sound of the buffalo hooves running through the

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