Review Of Gordon Fee's Paul: The Spirit And The People Of God

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In the book Paul: the Spirit and the People of God author Gordon Fee aims fill a void in the church on Holy Spirit doctrine with hopes of cultivating the teaching of the Spirit within the church. He presents his view on Paul’s teachings about the Holy Spirit as being consistent with the Spirit of God as revealed in Scripture. Additionally he points out how Paul presents the person of the Spirit, Father, and Son of the trinity. This emphasis on action word descriptions of the person of the Spirit is important for understanding how the Spirit is to work in the believer and in the church. In the next fifteen chapters Fee analyzes the role of the Holy Spirit in Pauline theology and discusses the responsibility of the church in light of this material.…show more content…
Fee expounds on this by summing Paul’s theology up into four essential elements. (1) Foundation: a gracious, merciful, and loving God. (2) Framework: the fulfillment of God’s promises. (3) Focus: Jesus the Son of God who brought salvation. (4) Fruit: the church as an eschatological community. The Spirit becomes the essential ingredient to all of these. Paul’s understanding of the Scripture is a matter of lived out

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