Souls Of Black Folk By W. E. B. Dubois Analysis

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The struggle for equality between races is impregnated in W.E.B Du Bois` Souls of Black Folks. The story shows Du Bois contempt against black slavery, which emphasizes in the submission to one’s master, by accepting the false truths that white people, had imposed overtime. It shows the struggle for freedom that John lived, which started at the moment where he got a taste of true freedom. It caused him great suffering and pleasure, however he did not only experience various emotions, but it opened his eyes to the truth that humanity should live for itself, for they are all equal no matter defects or skin color. The reason John stopped acting with grew joy is that he was able to unveil from the lies that had been impregnated in his mind by white people, once he did that, he was able to discover how naive, mistreated and abused was the black population for they believed the lies of the white people, causing him to experience great sorrow and altering his joyful personality into a gloomy one. The author shows how much John dreamed of freedom which explains why he took his own life for it liberated him from that struggle of slavery and racism.…show more content…
John felt that when he visited New York, he was able to feel the liberty to choose what he wanted to belief, do or eat. For the first time in his life he felt unchained of any oppression or submission to another man. Freedom made his heart feel delighted with the ability to make free choices and separated him more and more apart from the nostalgic depressive feeling of the memories of his home which kept him from returning to

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