Banning Mexican-American Studies

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Banning of Mexican-American Studies in Arizona The banning of Mexican-American studies in Arizona has limited the freedom of speech of both teachers and students, discriminating against the race and violating the constitution’s equal protection in the 14th Amendment (Planas, Roque. Arizona’s…) According to an ethnic studies teacher in Tuscan, Arizona the goal of providing ethnic studies in schools where the minority is the majority is to understand the complex history of oppression and acknowledge their cultural achievement (Ari Luis Palos). However, many believe that these ethnic studies classes teach ethnic resentment and teach the student as a member of a specific group rather than an individual. Despite the discouraging opinions carried…show more content…
Many high schools in Arizona, including Tuscan High School, have embraced the ethnic minority as the majority and took the time to teach many of the unmotivated students about their ethnic past. By doing so, it has motivated many young Mexican-Americans to learn and better their education, also helping them strengthen their personalities (Ari Luis Palos). Prohibiting students to learn about their identity has steered a lot of conflict. Shouldn’t all Americans have the right and freedom to a proper education? Conservatives such as Laurence Auster believe that multiculturalism is an attack on European-American culture (Auster, 41). Recently, Arizona Lawmakers passed a law to abolish ethnic studies classes. Tom Horn and John Huppenhall expressed their opinions on the matter by suggesting that these types of high school courses encouraged sedition (Ari Luis Palos). Leslie Kyman…show more content…
He goes on to say that diversity is enriching, various ethnic and racial groups do not threaten the American identity, and for the American identity itself is based upon no singular national identity but many in one. In order to become Americans, immigrants must embrace the American values, and customs (Walzer, 13-14). It is important to emphasize on diversity in America in order to understand power relations and racial separation (Walzer, 15). One Ethnic Studies advocate in Tuscan, Arizona believed that identifying the problem first is the first step taken to solving it. In the case of the Mexican-American students who were in Arizona at the time, their main issue prior to taking the class was figuring out their identity. If the country itself is not accepting of a certain race then they are bound to believe they have no sense of belonging; no identity. Identity is defined as, “a close similarity or affinity.” In the context of human identity, that means belonging to a certain race, group, or coming from a similar ethnic background. High school students like those in Tuscan High School had felt no sense of longing. Many students in the documentary Precious knowledge expressed themselves as being lost. Facts proved that after taking Mexican-American ethnic studies courses in Tuscan high School had a 100% graduating class (Ari Luis Palos). Arizona lawmakers placed laws to

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