Social Structures In Ancient China

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Social Structures: There are many similarities between the Chinese and Roman social structures. In China there were six social classes: Rulers, Nobles, Farmers, Craftspeople, Traders, and Slaves. Rulers: The Emperor, leaders or other kinds of rulers. Nobles: The nobles made up the highest-ranking class after the ruling family. Shang nobles enjoyed a life of luxury. They lived in great palaces. Farmers: Farmers were the largest social class in the society. They worked small plots of land, growing millet, wheat, barley, rice, fruit, vegetables, and nuts. The land was under the control of either the emperor or the nobles. The farmers didn't even get to keep most of their crops. They kept only enough to feed themselves and their families. Craftspeople: They formed a small social class. This class included bronze and jade workers, potters, and stonemasons. Bronze workers made the weapons and decorated containers for the emperor and nobles to use in religious ceremonies or simply as symbols of their wealth. Traders: Technically, traders ranked below nobles, but above farmers in Shang…show more content…
Women in Chinese society were treated as inferior and were degraded. They had the most menial and least important jobs. Giving birth to a son was a big deal and therefore they were treated very highly. As for the female child, she had to endure multiple hardships, like the binding of her feet in order to prevent her from running. A woman in Roman society was also looked upon as inferior that could not make their own decisions. All authority was in the hands of men who totally dominated all affairs. Men were even allowed to kill their wives if they performed certain crimes. Additionally, men had the right to sell his wife, and severely punish her. The woman in Roman society were forced to completely listen to their husbands. Finally, women did not even have the right to be left an
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