Snakey Lab

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Speed of Snakey Waves Purpose: To verify the equation for the speed of a linear wave in a string. Main Body: In this experiment the mass of the snakey was measured to be .7037 kg. The snakey was stretched to 2.12 meters, with a tension of 5 newtons. Wave pulses were made while being timed back and forth for four waves. The data is in the table. We used the following calculations % error = |theor. exp| /theo. vel *100 exp velocity = total distance/ total time u = mass/ length theo velocity = square root of T/ u Conclusion: We were was able to verify the equation for the speed of a linear wave on a string. We learned how to calculate the velocity of a linear wave on string. Solving The Snakey Purpose: To generate a mathematical model of a traveling…show more content…
We recorded the wave from above. We watched one crest and one trough of the same size. We used Logger Pro to analyze the amplitude, period of the wave, and velocity. The velocity, amplitude, wavelength and frequency can also be found on the graphs. Conclusion: We were able to generate a mathematical model of a traveling wave on a snakey. We learned by looking at graphs, how to compare waves. Doppler Sound Purpose: To verify the accepted speed of sound and its independence from frequency. Main Body: We started by having Mrs. Rolston hit the horn of her car while the horn was recorded on Brody’s cell phone. She drove by us while hooking her horn and the sound was recorded by Brody. The two different horn sounds were played into a microphone and then graphed from the constant horn frequency which was 1330 Hz and the driving horn frequency was 1350 Hz. The two frequencies were then plugged into the equation f1 = f (V sound/ v - Vs) using the two to get the car's velocity of 5.07 m/s. This converted to 11.341 mph which should have been 35 mph. Conclusion: We use the doppler effect the measure the speed of a vehicle. Speed Of

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