Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

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The endoplasmic reticulum(ER) is a network of disk-like tubules that are filled with a cisternal space or the lumen, this is a fluid that fills the space and also helps transporting proteins. The ER is also stacked layer upon layer and is also connected to the nuclear membrane. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum, these are: smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The only difference between the structure of the two ER's are that the rough ER has ribosome's attached to its outer layer. This is why it is known as the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The main function of the endoplasmic reticulum is to function adequately as a transport network. The rough ER makes protein and eventually sends them to the smooth ER.…show more content…
The subunits that float around the cytoplasm or on the walls of the rough ER will lock onto the mRNA which starts the protein synthesis. A nuclei acid called the tRNA is usually bonded to an amino acid and floats around the cell. The subunits that are locked to the mRNA will connect to the tRNA and will pull of one amino acid off. This will be used to make a polypetide chain which eventually becomes a part of a larger protein. This is the process of protein synthesis. When more proteins need to be made the rough ER stretches to fit more ribosome's on its surface. The rough ER sends these proteins to the smooth ER through the cisternal space. The smooth ER is a catalyst for the body that provides a surface area for enzymes to take action. It is also a storage space for the enzymes. The smooth ER also synthesizes (makes) components for the cell. An example of this is lipids. Lipids have lots of different functions such as, energy. The main function of the smooth ER is transporting synthesized proteins to their locations and cells. Ribosome's are found in prokaryotes and
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