Skeletal Lab Report

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Introduction About a week ago, a young couple was out for an early morning run. Stopping to catch a drink, they stumbled upon what appeared to be a human skull. The police arrived at the scene and went on to unearth two skeletons lying side by side, and a third was found lying off to the side. Our team was assigned to determine the age, race, height and gender of skeleton number 3 in an effort to determine the identity of the unknown remains. Summary To determine the sex, race, height, and age of the skeleton we were assigned, we did many measurements on important bones we had. We did measurements on the pelvis, skull, femur, and humerus. To determine the sex, we used all four bones. Some observations that we came across on the pelvis was the pelvic cavity shape, it was circular not heart-shaped. On the skull, we noticed that the upper edge of the eye orbit was sharp. The frontal bone also helped with determining the sex. This bone was more rounded and globular instead of low and slanting. For the femur, we looked at the maximum length which was less than 405 mm. That also helped us. With the last bone, the humerus, we figured out the transverse diameter of humeral head. This measurement was identical with the average female. All these tests indicates a female. Our final sex determination on our set of bones was a female.…show more content…
For this we used the skull and femur. On the skull, we observed the nasal silling and the prognathism. The nasal silling was rounded, which matched with the mongoloid race. The prognathism was variable. It wasn’t straight or prognathic, so this also matched the mongoloid. When we did the nasal index measurement, it didn’t match up with the mongoloid trait, but the rest of our measurements did. Tests on the femur were to determine if it was caucasoid or negroid, so we didn’t do many tests with the femur. In the end, we determined our final race was

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