Six Major Causes Of The New Deal

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There were six major causes of the Great Depression. The six major causes were industries, agriculture, consumers having less money to spend, an uneven distribution of income, the stock market, and bank failures. The president at the beginning of the Great Depression was Herbert Hoover. Hoover’s first philosophy was voluntary cooperation, which means that the government should encourage competing groups to cooperate with each other and society’s interests. Hoover’s second philosophy was rugged individualism, which was against providing federal welfare or direct relief to the people. Hoover thought that giving federal welfare or direct relief would cause a decrease in the people’s self-respect and “moral fiber.” The third philosophy that Hoover…show more content…
One reason why the New Deal was a failure was because the United States was going towards socialism and communism. Document 2 is a letter to Senator Robert Wagner written on March 7, 1934. The document says, “It seems very apparent to me that the Administration at Washington is accelerating its pace towards socialism and communism. Nearly every public statement from Washington is against stimulation of business which would in the end create employment.” This proves that the New Deal was a failure because the Administration at Washington was going towards socialism and communism. Another reason why the New Deal was a failure was because the New Deal programs did not give African Americans the same rights. Document 7 is an excerpt from the Digital History online textbook. The document says, “Most New Deal programs discriminated against blacks…. Roosevelt feared that conservative southern Democrats, who had seniority in Congress and controlled many committee chairmanships, would block his bills if he tried to fight them on the race question.” This proves that the New Deal was a failure because the programs were being prejudiced towards African Americans. The National Recovery Administration gave blacks lower pay. The Federal Housing Authority did not guarantee mortgages for blacks. The Civilian Conservation Corps had segregated camps. The Social Security Act did not let blacks work in the job positions that they usually worked in. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration forced blacks off lands. The last reason why the New Deal was a failure was because the New Deal programs did not help all groups of people. Document 9 is the Inaugural Address of FDR in 1932. The document says, “... farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone. More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return.

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