Similarities Between Vampires And Werewolves

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The origins of both the vampire and the werewolf can be traced back to multiple ancient tales, often from the same regions of the world, although the specific documents and civilizations from which the stories are drawn vary. In terms of characteristics, the form, essential nature, and specific source of sustenance between vampires and werewolves differ. The modern myths about vampires and werewolves draw from multiple evolving ancient myths. There was a great deal of overlap between civilizations that believed in the two types of monsters, and both vampire and werewolf-like beings have been found in stories from Hungary, Assyria, and Sumeria. Some countries in Eastern Europe even burned the corpses of suspected werewolves to prevent them from transforming into vampires. Another similarity between the origins of vampires and werewolves is the fact that the stories evolved over time and traveled from civilization to civilization. For example, the Greek myths about vampires are believed to have been strongly influenced by Mesopotamian ideas, as were their stories about werewolves.…show more content…
Werewolves were earliest seen in the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is the earliest known written story. Vampires were seen in various writings throughout the Fertile Crescent from around the same time period, including Assyria and Akkadia. Additionally, while vampires are based entirely on fictional stories, some of the characteristics of werewolves appear to have come from observations of lycanthropy. King Nebuchadnezzar is believed to have suffered from this rare form of psychosis in which he believed himself to be part wolf. His bizarre behaviors stemming from this disorder may have played a large role in inspiring legends of

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