Similarities And Differences Between Microsoft And Apple

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Introduction In this paper, I am going to bring out the similarities and differences between Microsoft and Apple. It is evident that rivalry is the mother of innovations in the contemporary world. The rivalry between Microsoft and Apple to dominate the technological industry and markets has seen major developments in the industry. Their achievements have been tremendous in the past years, and in 2012, according to the Fortune list, Apple was perched at position 17 while Microsoft was at 37 (Noga 20). Many people tend to think that the two companies are one and the same thing. However, computer addicts appreciate the fact that both companies provide software applications. They are the two most established companies as far as the production…show more content…
Co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is a respected man globally for achieving his dream of putting computers on billions of desks, and as a philanthropist. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, is also an astute businessman and an open-minded genius. Generally, both portray exemplary entrepreneurial skills. They have both been ranked as the most influential people globally, between 2004 and 2010. Both men did remarkable things that changed the world and without some of their inventions we would be left to play outside with no fun technology. One of the biggest differences with bill gates from Steve jobs is that he was not as creative as Steve. He did not share his passion of developing through his ideas alone. Instead he utilized the ideas and advice of his team to produce some of the biggest technology game changers in the market today. He was genius in his own…show more content…
The company narrows down the clutter to a minimum and assumes that the users do not have the time to wade through the internet searching for endless options. The company designs its services for the people with less time and more money. Microsoft on the other hand is designed to give the consumer the most options possible. The company assumes the consumer shall spend hours searching for the best option according to them. The company’s search wizards guide the consumer on the best way to make a choice. Microsoft does this since its target customers are the consumers with more time and less money. For instance, apple offers only one option for buying music; iTunes, while Microsoft offers thousands of searches criterion and options. This shows that the two companies’ marketing strategies for computer products are meant for different customers. But they do have some similarities Apple and Microsoft they both create items that they think is the best technology which they worked hard for, for a long time and even though apple is a large company and about 10 times larger than Microsoft that does not matter because Microsoft is getting more successful by the day and year. The main value, is both companies are creating technology that is world changing and that is getting better by the second and if we didn’t have some of apples and Microsoft products the world would be a

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