Silicon Carbide Case Study

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Abstract— This paper estimates the switching losses of SiC MOSFET and develops a Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFET based inverter for Field Oriented Control (FOC) of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM). The switching characteristics of ROHM make, 1200V, 35A; SCH2080KE SiC MOSFET is studied using double pulse test circuit in LTspice software. Closed loop control of PMSM with SiC MOSFET based inverter is realized using PLECS simulation Software. The turn on and turn off loss obtained from the switching characteristic study and conduction losses are used in thermal modeling of the SiC MOSFET based three phase inverter in PLECS Simulation Software. Total power loss and switch junction temperature of SiC MOSFET based inverter is compared with Silicon IGBT inverter. Keywords— SiC, MOSFET; FOC; PMSM; Double pulse Inductive clamp…show more content…
PLECS Simulation diagram of FOC of PMSM Phase transformations (a,b,c)=>(α ,(the Clarke transformation) which outputs a two co-ordinate time variant system. (α)=>(d,q) (the Park transformation) which outputs a two co-ordinate time invariant system. Fig.9. Clarke Transformation [■(α@β)] = [■(1&-1/2&-1/2@0&√3 /2&-√3 /2)] [■(a@b@c)] Fig.10. Park Transformation [■(d@q)] = [■(cos⁡θ&sin⁡θ@-sin⁡θ&cos⁡θ )] [■(α@β)] V. SIMULATION RESULTS OF FOC OF PMSM The simulation of Field Oriented Control of PMSM is done in PLECS software is shown below. The reference speed is set to 2000 rpm. The motor achieves the desired speed within 5ms. Percentage overshoot is 3.75 and the rise time is 1.7ms. Fig.12 shows the torque response to a load torque of 17Nm. Fig.11. Speed response Fig.12. Torque response Fig.13. shows the motor current waveform for a speed of 2000 rpm and torque of 17 Nm. During the starting condition the motor draws large stator currents. Fig.13. Motor Speed, Motor Torque and Motor current waveforms Fig.14. a) Motor d-axis current b) Motor q-axis current c) rotor

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