Siddhartha Research Paper

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Wisdom is not Given, it is Earned Siddhartha is a terrific novel. Siddhartha beautifully illustrates the highs and lows in life. Its themes discuss many life lessons. The major themes include: relationships, desires, successes, and teachings. Wisdom, however, is the most controversial lesson because all the other themes are rooted in wisdom. The goal in Siddhartha’s life is to reach Nirvana, or eternal peace/understanding. In order to achieve this enlightenment, he must fully understand all of these themes. He struggles through many hardships and speaks to many people who are seen as wise, but he still cannot ascertain true enlightenment. It is only until he learns that wisdom is not taught but rather gained through life experiences does he reach Nirvana. A man who wants to find enlightenment must never stop in the quest for knowledge and must continue to ask questions. Siddhartha said to Govinda, “I always thirsted for knowledge, I have always been full of questions.” (With the Samanas). Once he finds enlightenment, Siddhartha understands that wisdom is not taught. He tells Govinda in their old age, “Wisdom cannot be passed on. Wisdom which a wise man tries to pass on to someone always sounds like foolishness… Knowledge can be conveyed, but not wisdom. It can be found, it can be lived, it is possible to be…show more content…
At first, Siddhartha chases his son in the hope of reasoning with him, however, he soon realizes that he did the same thing to his father when he was a young man. He understands that his son needs to go though his own experiences before he can understand wisdom. For example, Siddhartha wishes his son would listen to all of the “voices of the river.” (Om) However, his son is ignorant to the Om and is not respectful to the gift of nature. Siddhartha also wants his son to understand that material goods do not satisfy the soul and that worldly possessions are just

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