Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Obtain Birth Control Without Parental Consent

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Why should teenagers be allowed to get birth control without parental consent? Teenagers should be allowed to get birth control without parental consent so that teenagers are not getting pregnant and either aborting the baby or putting them up for adoption. Birth control is also known as contraception and fertility control, are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy (Haerens 62). Eighty-nine percent of national adults believe that birth control in morally accepted; however 82% of Catholics think birth control is immoral (Gallup). Even though some people believe that teenagers should have parental consent to receive birth control services, teenagers should be allowed to purchase birth control without parental consent because having access to birth control will eliminate the number of infants placed for adoption and the number of abortions per year due to teenage pregnancies. The abortion rates and the adoption rates have skyrocketed within the last few…show more content…
Condoms, which are for both women and men, and the female condom is very similar to a diaphragm except it does not have to be fitted (Healthline). The male condom can protect against pregnancy and STD’s (including HIV). Sixteen percent of teenagers are using condoms (Guttmacher). Because there are various ways to prevent pregnancies, teenagers should have full access especially in cases of emergency. An emergency contraception is a back up for regular birth control; also known as Plan B and/or The Morning-After Pill. Plan B contains a higher dose of the same synthetic hormones found in the combination pill (Healthline). It can used up to five days after unprotected sex; it is safe and effective (Planned Parenthood). Plan B is safe for teenagers to use, however, it is not a regular birth control (Planned Parenthood). Teenagers have many different birth control options available for them to

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