Short Story The Lottery

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One thing the main character wanted us to learn was ‘’ not all you have is for the best’’. one of the common things in the three stories had is that they all did their best to resolve their problems. Therefore they never gave up and after all they got what they wanted . These three stories made a lot of people realize what was right and what was wrong to do. But also to learn how all we have to be bond and have love towards others that care for each other and us as people. Its is important to know what type of people your around with. ‘’Something that is beloved you have to let go is for the best’’ In the story ‘’the lottery’’ people were killed unfairly , which can effect others by playing the game and sadly more death to come. in my opinion you should think twice before doing something you’ll regret later on , because it can also cause a lot of consequences no one would want to experience.…show more content…
Although you can get what you wished to but by trying as hard as you can.Therefore In the buffalo story , the father never gave up , he tried so hard to have his family healthy although his wife and son didn't like when he would go out at nights to hunt regardless of what his wife had told him he still did it he never gave up towards his family. His family were suffering for money , but still made it through thick and thin. one of the things he always said to himself was ‘’In the silence of his lost power, the buffalo painted his chest’’. This story made a lot of people realize to never give up to what you really
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