Short Story Of The Lottery By Alexis Singleton

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The story is all about a that live in this nasty neightborhood ,the little girl name is Alexis Singleton. She was a small little girl, she was only thriten. she wanted to grow a garden to remeber her of her dad and mom. When she was little,her mom and dad grew a garden ,so she found a nice little place to plant her garden. she cleaned it up and strated to plant water melon, melon ,pepers, cucmbers,zucchine. Then one day she saw her freinds lexy, megan kieper, makayla. When they saw her planting a garden , they ased “ What she was planting and why she was palnting?” She told them. Then asked if they could help . they said,”Yes!” She needed them tob to be water and pull out weeds and see if any are ripe for picking They

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