Short Speech On Happiness

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Hello, guys. Nowadays, people are stressful with their busy life. We are seeking for life satisfaction until forget to enjoy our life. A recently research on ‘Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Malaysia’ from the World Values Survey (WVS) database showed that Malaysians are comparatively less happy than citizens in Western countries. Today, I would like to persuade you that you should smile everyday. I believe that smiling is important in our life because it is good for our health, important for us to build relationships and it can influence people. First, smiling is good for our health. Smile helps us to live longer. Smile releases stress, helps the heart function, and keeps our healthy longer. In 2011, a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences entitled ‘Positive affect measured using ecological momentary…show more content…
Always greet to our partners with a smile can get close with them. Smile is the first thing that breaks down barriers between people. Smiling lets us to get help from others easily. They are more really to work and solve the problems together with us. In the article entitled ‘Be Happy in your Work: The Role of Positive Psychology in Working with Change and Performance’ which was published in Journal of Change Management in 2016, M. S. Allen & P. J. McCarthy stated that a positive work relationship is important to create a comfortable environment to work and this increases the performance. Last but not least, smiling can influence people. Smiling can inspire and give hope to others. Smile can motivate people to do better performance. Smile shows that we are appreciate their dedication and recognise their effort. In the book, Flow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology, M. E. P. Seligman, who belongs to Department of Psychology in University of Pennsylvania, argues that psychological effect will affect people's performance which bring about great
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