Short Essay About Seabuckthorn

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¬For thousands of years, sea buckthorn had been used for both food and health purposes. The Ancient Greeks fed their horses with sea buckthorn leaves and in result, the hair of the horses became colorful and shiny. Observing this, the Greeks gave sea buckthorn a Latin name “Hippophae” which means “to make horses shiny and colorful”. Sea buckthorn is grown in much of eastern Asia, the Siberian, parts of Europe, in the mountains, by the sea coast, and many other places. It grows in harsh weather conditions and high altitudes. It can survive in any condition and extremity. Seabuckthorn has over 190 bioactive compounds. It is a source of Omega 3, 6 and 9. It also contains Omega 7 which promotes collagen production and healthy skin, hair and nail. Seabuckthorn is the richest source in the world for Omega 7. The advantages of seabuckthorn are endless. No wonder it is called the king of all fruits; seabuckthorn can defeat nearly all diseases and illnesses.…show more content…
Seabuckthorn leaves can be drunk as tea. Seabuckthorn can be drunk as juice. The fruit contains high levels of vitamins C and E: the concentration of vitamin C in the fruit is higher than that in strawberry, kiwi, orange, tomato and carrot,and the vitamin E content is higher than that found in wheat embryo, safflower, maize and soybean. Sea buckthorn juice making method: Wash and clean the sea buckthorn and sterilize it on temperature of 40-45°C. Crush it and strain it on fine filter. The juice should be separated from seeds, thick pieces and skin. In enamel or stainless steel pot, heat the juice in the temperature of 65-70°C and pour it into bottles. Put the bottled juice in boiling hot water for 20-25 minutes. Seal them and keep in cool

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