Sex Talk Sociology

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In today’s modern society, children often grow up being taught to practice the religion that their parents practice. While growing up, children are not exposed to different types of religion; therefore, they are unable to identify themselves with beliefs that they choose or fits them the most. Instead, these individuals are being forced to adopt the religion of their parents, and they blindly accept it. As a result, most children do not go out and explore all the different religion options there are out there in the world. It would make perfect sense to identify oneself with a religion that meets all of one’s standards, but this is not always the case. Some parents are very strict about what religion their children chooses to adopt, and…show more content…
When giving Alan the ‘sex talk’ when he was younger, Dora taught Alan that “sex is not just a biological matter, but spiritual as well. That if God willed, he would fall in love one day” (34). In the play, the reader learns that Alan is significantly closer to Dora than Frank; therefore, Dora has an advantage in converting Alan to Christianity. She teaches him that he can fall in love one day and show his love through sex if he is a loyal Christian. If he is a loyal Christian, goes to church, and praises God, God will allow Alan to fulfill his sexual desires. Frank has a differing opinion on sex and religion. When Frank and Dora are talking to Dysart (Alan’s psychologist) about each of their religious beliefs, Frank says, “All that stuff to me is just bad sex” (34). This quote is important because Frank is imposing his religion of Atheism to Alan’s sexual desires. This emphasizes that Frank is angered by the fact that Alan is adopting Christian values from his mother, and Frank is failing to convert Alan to…show more content…
The first major practice he steals from Christianity is praying on his knees. Alan kneels down at the foot of his bed in front of the picture of the horse. Christians often kneel down as they pray in front of God or the cross. Growing up, Alan learned this method of worship from his mother, who he was closer to. Another major practice that Alan steals from Christianity is the Last Supper. In Scene 21 of Act II, Alan and Nugget share a sugar cube as Equus’ Last Supper. As Alan feeds Nugget the sugar cube he says, “Take my sins. Eat them for my sake” (72). Similar to Jesus Christ’s Last Supper, Alan shared a meal with his god-like figure before they go on their adventure and become

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