Serpent Dualism

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The serpent is one of the most prevalent and primitive symbols ever existed. The origin of the world is Latin serpens, that translate as a crawling animal. It symbolism can be traced from the most ancient civilization to the modern days. Since the beginning of the time, the serpent has had a dual symbolism. This reptile represents heavens, power, healing, divinity, fertility and wisdom. On the other hand, serpents are linked with the underworld, the evil, death, harm, temptation and betrayal as well. In the most ancient civilizations serpents are one of the most important symbols ever existed. All along literature history, since the most primitive to modern day is easy to see the symbolism of it. In the great ancient Mesopotamia is Tammuz, in Egypt Mehen, Greece Asklepios, and the list keep going. The symbolism of the serpents is widely spread in the world and cultures such as Indian, Chinese and American are linked with it. Besides the significance in the old times, now days the serpent is still one of the most important symbols, representing the…show more content…
The first god related to this reptile is Tammuz. Tammuz mother and he are titled as “mother-great-serpent of Heaven,” that is, the serpent divinity that came from the god Anu. Another god represented with a snake was Ningizzida. This god was also named as the “companion of Tammuz”. He was also the protector at the door of heaven who had the authority to give fertility, similar to Saint Peter in the Holly Bible. The representation of Ningizzida as a horned snake looks like to be a symbol of his divine power (Trujillo). Similarly to Ningizzida there is Nidaba. She is the corn goddness and is represented with snakes coming from her shoulders. Same as the Babylonian cultures serpents in Mesopotamia serpents represented healing, fertility, regeneration and some specific elements coming from the

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