Serious Case Review: The Anderson Family

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e Study – Serious Case Review, Anderson Family This essay will be examining the ethical practices in relation to safeguarding procedure used by professionals involved in the case of the Anderson family. Fiona Anderson took her own life, while heavily pregnant with her fourth child, and the lives of her three children aged one, two and three years. The theories of causation of child abuse and neglect will also be examined and applied to this case. Concerns were first raised regarding Fiona Anderson during her pregnancy with her first child Levina, a referral being made to the children and young people’s services (CYPS) by her midwives. Though confidentiality is of importance in accordance with the international midwifery code of ethics, the…show more content…
One of the issues raised by the midwifery team was concerns regarding Miss Andersons’ mental health, and on 15 July 2009 a mental health link worker assessed and found no evidence of depression or anxiety in Miss Anderson, and she failed to attend a further post-natal appointment, claiming it was not needed. As time passed her erratic behaviors suggested otherwise, showing evidence of anxiety, of which a doctor on one of Levinas hospital visits raised concerns, paranoia, and possibly bipolar disorder. Some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder that Miss Anderson exhibited, and that were picked up on and noted by various professionals throughout the case were her talking incessantly, a known sign of mania and…show more content…
(Bowlby, 1988) It is evident from the beginning of the Anderson case review that the atmosphere at home was not relaxed, mum facing care proceedings at the birth of Levina and then later on rent arrears, multiple house moves and a period of ‘sofa-surfing’, when the family had no fixed address along with reported domestic violence incidents. Women who are in a psychologically or physically abusive relationship with an intimate partner are twice as likely to be abusive toward their children (Mapp,

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