Sequential Line Up Research

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Sequential Lineups A Sequential Lineup is a police lineup in which the suspects or their photos are presented to the witnesses, one at a time. This lineup uses absolute judgement, comparing each photograph or person from their memory of the offender, so they have to be 100% positive that who they identify as the perpetrator is actually the perpetrator. According to studies, there is a sharp drop off in the reliability of any identification after two cycles. The procedure of a Sequential lineup is as follows: Show one photo at a time, and ask “Is this the person who…(state act committed)? If the answer is no, go onto the next photo and be sure to not show two photos at once, removing the previous photo from view before showing the next. If…show more content…
Keep track of how many times the photos are shown. Be sure to keep track of EVERYTHING that the witness says during the lineup. #2 Simultaneous lineup During the Simultaneous lineup, the witness(es) use “relative judgement” to compare photographs or people to each other, meaning they will choose who looks the most like the perpetrator. This lineup is the main lineup used in most U.S Law Enforcement Agencies. According to studies, if you tell the witness beforehand, that the perpetrator may or may not be present, can dramatically reduce the likelihood that the witness will identify an innocent person. In this lineup, all suspects are viewed at the same time, lined up. #3 Eyewitness memory Eyewitness memory is a person’s episodic memory for a crime or other dramatic event that he or she has witnessed. There are a lot of things that can effect the encoding of the memory, such as stress or trauma from the event. If there is a weapon, the presence of the weapon can narrow a person’s attention, thus affects their memory. It is also very difficult to identify faces in person of from photos because they usually aren't focused on that during a traumatic…show more content…
There are multiple types of memory including: -Topographic memory- The ability to recognize and follow an itinerary, or to recognize familiar places. (Getting lost while alone is an example of failure of this memory type) -Flashbulb memory- Clear episodic memories of highly emotional events - Declarative memory- Requires conscious recall (sometimes called explicit memory) Some Conscious process must call back information, concerning information, concerning info from particular context (time and place) - Procedural memory- based on implicit learning (learning of complex information in an incidental manner) Procedural memory is revealed when someone does better in a task due only to repetition. Memory is something that can be accessed, or tested in numerous ways ( for older children and adults’ memory) including: -Paired associate learning- learning to associate something with another thing. -Free recall- which you give the subject a list of words and later have them recall as many words as they can

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