Separation Of Solids Lab Report

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INTRODUCTION In this experiment, the technique of liquid-liquid extraction will be used to separate compounds in a mixture using immiscible solvents. Each separated compound will then be evaporated/dried into a solid and used to obtain melting points to identify each compound in the mixture. Throughout experiment, pH levels needed to be managed closely. DATA AND CALCULATIONS PART A MASS OF DRY RECOVERED BENZOIC ACID: 0.0111g MASS OF BENZOIC ACID USED FOR EXTRACTION: 0.0516g DISTRIBUTION (PARTITION) COEFFICIENT CALCULATION: K=(amount in organic layer)/(amount in aqueous layer)= ((grams of benzoic acid obtained)/(mL MTBE))/((Initial-final grams of benzoic acid)/( mL…show more content…
((0.0111g benzoic acid obtained)/(1mL MTBE))/((0.0405g benzoic acid)/(1mL water))= 0.0111/0.0405 = 0.2741 K = 0.2741 PART B PART 1: AMINE MASS OF RECOVERED AMINE: 0.0118g MELTING POINT UNKNOWN AMINE: 88.4°C-90.0°C MELTING POINT RECRYSTALLIZED AMINE (optional): n/a MIXED MELTING POINTS (optional) : UNKNOWN + n/a : n/a UNKNOWN + n/a : n/a UNKNOWN ID: UNKNOWN #:…show more content…
The mass of benzoic acid recorded in the report, is the 3rd mass, when no emulsion appeared. The third time, it helped that I added the MTBE before I added the water. My partition coefficient was 0.2741, therefore K < 1. When K is less than 1, it means, most of the benzoic acid is in the water, rather than the organic phase, which reflected the data obtained, because the amount of benzoic acid recovered was low, 21.51% recovery. The experiment would have been more efficient in extracting more benzoic acid if multiple extractions were conducted with smaller amounts of solvent rather than just one extraction with a greater amount of solvent. For part B, melting points were taken for each compound obtained from unknown #5. For the unknown Amine, the melting point obtained was 88.4°C-90.0°C. It led to the conclusion that the identity of the unknown amine is Ethyl p-aminobenzoate, because its corresponding melting point is 89°C. Mixed melting points was not conducted for the amine, because the other possible unknowns were not close in melting point range to the melting point obtained. For the unknown Carboxylic Acid, the melting point obtained was 120.9°C-122.0°C. The identity of the unknown Carboxylic acid is Benzoic acid, which has a melting point of 122°C. Again, mixed melting points were not obtained, due to the fact that the melting point range obtained did not overlap on more than one acid. For the

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