Searching For The Truth: Cathedral Of The Sea

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Searching for the Truth “Cathedral of the Sea” is a historical novel by Spanish writer Ildelfonso Falcones. It’s a story of love, friendship, war, power and politics. The book sold seven million copies in 40 countries and made the author who is a lawyer by profession an internationally recognized writer. “Cathedral of the Sea” is set in the 14th-century Barcelona and tells a story of Arnau Estanyol who helps build the church of Santa Maria del Mar. The cathedral building plays an important role in the man’s life; however there are more key plot points in the novel. Arnau is embroiled in war, inquisition and has to face many emotional conflicts. “Cathedral of the Sea” starts with the sexual assault of Arnau’s mother, Francesca. The rape by…show more content…
The story is beautifully written and Falcones delivers a great picture of the 14th-century Barcelona. “Cathedral of the Sea” tells a very exciting story and keeps the reader absorbed. The author’s style provokes to keep reading and learn more. The language is very lively and makes the story engaging. The reader can almost feel the author’s passion and enthusiasm about historical events. He describes the culture and the architecture in a very convincing way. Falcones doesn’t shun from depicting the brutality of medieval times. The lord raping the serf on her wedding night at the beginning of the story shows the cruelty of the feudal right that allowed bedding the virgin bride before the groom. Falcones uses historical facts mentioning the Inquisition in the villages and the belief that Jews crucify children. The accurate information gives the story credibility. Falcones is described as “passionate in explaining 14th-century Barcelona, he draws convincing pictures of its architecture and culture” (Eaude). The author delivers a great analysis not only of the historical events like Inquisition, war, anti-Semitism but also of the human nature, love and devotion. He presents the important role and power of the church. The author portrays Barcelona not only as one of the most beautiful cities, but also as a dream of peasants and serfs who seek freedom. His vivid descriptions bring the reader back to the medieval times. Falcones creates a compelling

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