Scrum Case Study

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3 Scrum Applied Application 3.1 Steps/ Phases The steps below for project management are the steps for successful project setting up, development and implementation. Figure 3 Steps/Phases of Scrum 3.2 Justify Scrum used on the real cases 3.21 What is Scrum Scrum is an agile project management approach with clearly-defined roles and processes. It specifies “a development team works together to reach a common goal within a flexible, comprehensive product development strategy”. SCRUM DEVELOPMENT MODEL Figure 4 Scrum Development Model In the figure shown above: ¥ Product backlog : A list of requirements are captured as items ; ¥ Sprints: projects…show more content…
In that situasion, nobody can cooperate with each other and the backlog estimation is no values. 3.23 Comparison with PRINCE2 The main fundamental difference between PRINCE2 and Scrum is that the former is a project management methodology whereas Scrum is an agile development approach. PRINCE2 and agile methods are general approach, but Scrum asks for short-term, incremental achievements independent of an over-arching adaptive approach. PRINCE2 isn’t concerned about organization of team or the methods applied. And in terms of Scrum, the most important thing of approach is the self-organisation and independence of the team members. Figure 5. Scrum vs PRINCE2 While PRINCE2 spotlights on the area of the project manager in planning, organising and controlling the transformation of project inputs into product outputs, Scrum is arranged to allow the team members fully contributed on the project, which enable a more creative and responsive , a more vulnerable, environment ae well. 3.24 Recommendations on suitable approaches on real…show more content…
The senior user is allocated as a owner of product. Task 2: Product-based planning to create the product backlog. - Products required are identified first in PRINCE2, and after that are the activities, dependencies, and resources required to delivered products defined. This is "product-based planning" and is applied to the the stage plan, project plan and the team plan. Task 3: Tailoring PRINCE2 to suit the project environment and map to Scrum iterations. - Tailoring according to the applicable use of PRINCE2 on any project, and ensure that there is the right amount of planning, control, monitoring and the use of the processes and themes. In terms of mapping PRINCE2 stage duration to Scrum iteration cycles, they can't overlap. Task 4: Work packages map to backlog items. - The work packages can be derived from product-based planning. And every work package is mapped to a respective backlog item. The team selects backlog items, makes the poker estimation, and after that the iteration backlog is stablished for the iteration, dependent on backlog items selected. Task 5: Assuring delivery efficiency via synchronizing MPD+CS+MSB processes End-stage assessments map to sprint

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