Saving The Wilderness In Desert Solitaire

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The steps that each man takes in order to do, what they feel is saving the wilderness, differ entirely from person to person; however, their end goal is the same, and that is they wish to inform the public and readers exactly how their cars, industrial movements, and own footsteps effect the innocence of nature. The use of these forms of technology, that are becoming part of everyday life are slowly destroying the land that was created not to be taken advantage of, but to be an aid in creating a successful, positive life. As Abbey stated in Desert Solitaire, “Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare,…show more content…
Sabotage and law breaking should not be the driving force of so many, but sadly the use of these forces is common among many activists and governmental members, including Hayduke, and that is what pushed Foreman to resign from his position. He was very emotionally connected with his dream of conservation, and in this it caused him to be a very morally inclined man in his motive to kill “the human…show more content…
Unlike Hayduke, who Peacock considered a “one-dimensional dolt,” Peacock has a love for the environment, and is heartbroken, much as Abbey, with the thought of his own race being the reason for its slow demise. Peacock considered nature to be a safe spot for him, and he wanted to do whatever he could in order to contain the beauty and innocence of national parks. However, Hayduke, from The Moneky Wrench Gang, has a very different approach. He takes the idea of protecting the environment, and puts a twist on it. His goal is to demolish machinery, and break any laws or regulations that may be in his way in order to preserve the wilderness, and ecosystems, because as he mentions “somebody has to do it.” Abbey, who clearly stated his views in Desert Solitaire, believes in finding the root of the problem, in this case human destruction, and taking it head on. He wishes to reach out to the public by visualizing with them, how important the solitude of nature is the body. Abbey has a very intriguing mind, and hopes that he may portray that, with less of an idea of violence; however, I feel that his use of demeaning other workers and their infrastructure is just that, much as in the Glen Canyon discussion, in which Foreman greatly relied on Abbey’s views of opposing the destruction nation

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