Sandra Ann Craig Case Study

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Sandra Ann Craig, owned a day care and she use was accused of sexual abusing several children under her care. Respondent Craig was tried in a Maryland court on several charges related to her alleged sexual abuse of a six-year-old child. At the begging of the trial, the State request to receive the testimony from the child with one way communication, in other words, using a closed circuit television. This was requested because was supposed to be traumatized, experiencing emotional distress from the event and unable to confront the defendant. In this case, the child remains in another room, and the child was examined and cross examined, while the judge, jury and the defendant stay in the courtroom where the testimony is being displayed. Even…show more content…
In the APA's brief it was argued that some children may be sufficiently disturbed by the trial procedures as to warrant some limitations on the defendant right to confront them (Fullero & Wrightsman, 2009). The APA's brief argued the followings, a sexually abused child frequently suffer from emotional trauma and may be vulnerable to more distress through the legal processes, and since child victims suffer from emotional distress for being the victim, and it is more likely for a child to be emotional traumatize than an adult and to experience more stress while testifying in front of the defendant. The psychological theory and data on the dynamics of sexual abuse victims, emotional distress make possible individualized determinations about the need for protective measures without requiring vulnerable children to confront their abusers, and lastly, when a vulnerable child is asked to testify and experience high levels of emotional distress, the confrontation clause interest of providing reliable testimony, will not be served due to completeness of the child's testimony influenced by the emotional distress they are experiencing, and the child's lack of completeness in testifying minor perceptions of credibility. In contrast, it does not necessarily enhance the accuracy of minor perceptions truthfulness or lying ( Maryland v. Craig, 1990. Retrieved from

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