Lue Perez Research Paper

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Lupe Perez grew up in Mexico City, Mexico, where the dominate language is Spanish. Lupe explained that while that no other single alternative language is as popular. While Eighty percent of those Mexicans who had the ability to speak an indigenous language also speak Spanish. This essay will discuss the experience of Lupe Perez, and her feelings concerning tardyons, and customs. Etiquette & Customs in Mexico Lupe explained that there are some common gestures, sounds, or symbols that the students would need to know if they wanted to communicate in Mexico City. When meeting • “In social situations, women pat each other on the right forearm or shoulder, rather than shake hands • Men shake hands until they know someone well, at which time they…show more content…
12, is a major Mexican holiday celebrating the appearance of the Virgin Mary to an Indian man in the first years of Spanish rule. She is the patron saint of the country. Another celebration is The Day of the Dead, observed on Nov. 2, “is a day set aside to remember and honor those who have died”. “Carnival is also celebrated in many communities throughout Mexico to mark the period before Lent.” Independence Day, marking the country’s separation from Spain in 1810, is celebrated on Sept. 16 and Cinco de Mayo, which marks a Mexican military victory over the French in 1862, is more widely celebrated in the United States (as a beer promotion) than it is in…show more content…
Lupe, responded that “There isn’t a particular dress code.” However with father research I discover that there is a tradition: “In more rural areas, a typical woman’s wardrobe includes skirts, sleeveless tunics called huipils, capes known as quechquémitls and shawls called rebozos. One distinguishing article of traditional men’s clothing is a large blanket cape called a sarape. Boots are also a wardrobe staple.” If, I were to visit, it would be a good idea to dress in a similar fashion. Roles I asked Lupe, “Are there roles that you are expected to play in your society that you find hard to do?” She responded that the culture is full of Machismo literally means 'masculinity’. There are different outward behaviors to display machismo. For example, making remarks to women is a stereotypical sign of machismo and should not be seen as harassment. Lupe said that she hated this tradition and what it implied: that women were not equal to men. She conveyed that she felt very

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