Sammy Davis Jr.: A Short Story

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He is handsome, debonair, a wonderful actor. He is now on in age. I have not seen him on screen for a while. We have given up television for the benefit of our children’s education. Tired from work, I call my family around our bed, as is customary, and we kneel to pray. Everything and everyone has been committed to the Lord. Now I am in deep sleep. The Lord speaks to me to pray for the soul, this actor by name. I pray in my dream and am immediately awake. I got on my knees by the side of my bed and I pray as directed. The morning news announced that this actor fell down the stairs of his home (being drunk) and died (at the same time I was praying). I have withheld his name but history will reveal who he is. SAMMY DAVIS – A VISION I met him in the train terminal in Washington, D.C. I was on internship with Marriott Hotels and with me was my ward from Tuskegee. I went to get her at the train station so she could fill a position I got her for the summer.…show more content…
He was small and immaculately attired with black and white shoes that were spotless. My ward wanted to greet him, but I hurried her out. I would never have recognised him without her. Again, I am resting in deep repose in the Bronx home we owned then. The Lord came to me in a vision: “Go and tell Sammy Davis that if he will give up smoking, drinking, and the sins he is committing I will take cancer from him.” I awoke to argue with the Lord. My excuses

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