Saint Patrick Research Paper

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Saint Patrick is well know around the world. In fact every year on March 17th a day is dedicated to him. We call it, "Saint Patrick's Day". This day is not dedicated to him because of his help with the spread of Christianity in Ireland, but because he was the man people believed to have banished snakes from the Emerald island. Saint Patrick is the most famous Patron Saint of Ireland. He was born sometime in the year 387 AD (the specific day is not known) and died on March 17th, 461 AD. At the age of sixteen, Patrick was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Ireland. At age twenty-two, six years after being kidnapped, he escaped Ireland after having a dream from God telling him to leave. After this Saint Patrick became a missionary, who helped bring Christianity to Ireland. Even though he wasn't the first missionary to arrive in Ireland, he still managed to be the biggest help in the spread of Christianity during the Medieval time period. Saint Patrick is known for very many things. Three of which are, the Confessio, his letter to Coroticus, and the help to spread…show more content…
He prayed at least one hundred times a day, every day of the week. After his dream from God, he left Ireland to go back home to his family and it is believed that's when God called him to be a missionary. It took some years preparing before St. Patrick left to go back to Ireland to complete the mission God had given him. It is believed by many that Patrick's dad was a priest, so up to the point until he got kidnapped he had heard the word of God, just never really let him take complete controll of his life. Once Patrick had been kidnapped and was going through a tough time in his life, he finally realized that if he let God take controll, then everything would be okay. If Saint Patrick was here today I'm sure he would tell you his life went a lot smoother after he gave eveything to God and let him take complete

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