Royal Canadian Navy Essay

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When the Royal Canadian Navy was first created, it was known as the Naval Service of Canada, and it received two former British Royal Navy vessels known as the HMCS Niobe and the HMCS Rainbow. The Naval Service of Canada was renamed to the Royal Canadian Navy in 1911. Eventually, the First World War occurred, and the Royal Canadian Navy’s six-vessel fleet patrolled the North American West and East coast to fend off Germany’s naval forces. In 1915, a seventh ship known as the HMCS Shearwater joined and help defend North America’s coasts. In 1918, right before the war ended, the Royal Canadian Naval Air Service was created, but it was shortly disbanded, as the war ended. After the war ended, the Royal Canadian navy did not have a true purpose anymore. Many men were laid off, as they had no job anymore. However, 2 new ships, known as the HMCS Champlain and the HMCS Vancouver replaced the HMCS Patriot and the HMCS Patrician. On January 1923, the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve replaced the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. There were approximately 1000 people in the RCNVR, and 12 Canadian cities received 50 men, or a “Half-Company.” In 1931, the RCN…show more content…
During most of the first part of the wars, Canadian destroyers stayed in Korean coasts and helped bombard the shore and destroy trains and railway lines. These destroyers stayed in Korea from 1950-1955. During the same time, the growing Soviet army prompted the RCN to update ships or convert them to improve anti-submarine capabilities. The RCN also created anti-submarine “Destroyer Escorts”, which pioneered new design features and improved the ships overall. Because of these new constructions, the RCN retired most of the ships that dated back from the Second World War. The RCN also managed to acquire new CH-124 Sea King anti-submarine helicopters, a new

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