Rosencrantz And Guildenstern's Suicide In Hamlet

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“To die to sleep – no more; and by a sleep we say to end the heartache” (3.1.60-62). This quote from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet gives the reader’s insight to the character and motivations of Hamlet. At this point in the play, Hamlet is contemplating suicide because his plan for revenge isn’t working out. At the beginning of the play, the ghost told Hamlet to get his revenge on Claudius quickly, but it is taking longer than he expected and Hamlet is decided whether or not to give up. Because he says this, it can lead the readers to conclude that Hamlet is more complex than he appears to be because he thinks through all his actions when plotting his revenge against Claudius which is the reason for all of his actions throughout the play. Hamlet is pretending to be crazy as to give Claudius something else to worry about rather than his murder of Hamlet Senior Because Hamlet is smarter than he is given credit for by his family, he…show more content…
Because everyone in the play is smarter than Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Claudius sends them to find out why Hamlet is pretending to be crazy. Hamlet is smarter than Claudius believes and turns a potential trap into an opportunity. When Hamlet realizes that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are spying for Claudius, he asks Guildenstern to play the flute Guildenstern says he can not play it because he never learned but Hamlet says that it is as easy as lying. At this point, Hamlet is, in an obscure way, telling Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he know why they are really there. When they do not completely understand, Hamlet directly tells them when he says, “You would play upon me, you would seem to know my stops, you would pluck out the heart of my mystery” (3.2.313-316). This shows that Hamlet has already figured out why Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are there and that he will not be fooled by their or his uncle’s

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