Rorty: Morality Is Rationality

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First of all, it seems likely that Rorty’s theory are on the right track emphasizing the role of sentiments of sympathy in the standard of human rights discourse, however, in general, it disregarded the existence the shared human attribute which “grounds” morality is rationality.1 By neglecting discussing the necessity of the economic, social and political systems, cross-cultural standards, his theory failed to acknowledge those international human rights regimes which have the same a basis with rationality and universality despite the fact that these regimes is the arrow to lead a normative community widely beyond our local communities. Thus, the role of laws which are conducted and support for those human rights norms of international community…show more content…
Witnessing stories about oppression of others gives the truth that every human being could feel the pain like us, therefore, their dignity their honor their life need to be saved by human rights. Regardless, how about those people who cannot open to new norms that they are not able to acquire the knowledge and support for these concrete ideals of human quality and dignity no matter what the reasons are? How about those violators of human rights who do not concern about listening to stories about those who is suffering the agony they brought about? Will we just gently cross our arms to look at those who abuses human rights then inspire them to those tragic stories about those victims. It is now clearly that Rorty failed to consider the moral reasoning and justification of human practices, reading or being told about the stories is just not only frustrating people but also smashing up the sympathetic emotion, giving no ideas for other stiff circumstances.9 “There probably no such human nature, or least nothing in that nature that is relevant to our moral choice”10 in reasoning for why we need sentimental education. Rorty found that we have nothing to do with human nature and once again set forth for human rights culture evolving from sentimental stories, not from…show more content…
Moreover, the sentimental education is expected to be efficient on people ability to collect information, generate ideas and not only giving the proper sympathetic conclusions but also disseminate to people around in a timely manners towards the other’s suffering.13 As an ordinary human being, I could assume that cognitive abilities of each person is different, indeed, each person has their own way to analyze, to think and their actions would be totally different. This world do not have a same series of similar people so the question is whether sentimental education could help change each of people’s awareness, raise each of people’s moral understanding toward the pain of others, show each of them who deserves to be treated like they are, not regarding to the issue that one’s interests are affected; once the interests of one are reduced, we cannot even know what kind of human being they can turn to. Imagining in this case, whether we will drag him sitting down, telling him that he should be nice he should calm down, lecturing him that the one who did bad things to him would suffer the pain as long as he starts his violence while he is also that one

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