Role Of Ethics In Journalism

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Ethics in Journalism By: Umang Jasani (14bch021) In today’s world, information is the greatest resource one can have. Having stated that, it becomes evident that the role of Journalism is so vital in forming the opinion of public. Media has in itself, the immense power to lead the mass population towards a strong opinion. When misused, it is sure to misguide the public on the wrong path. Public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Following characteristics are mentioned in the Code of Ethics of the Society of  Seek Truth and Report it Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects…show more content…
As per the report on Corruption and Conflict of Interests by the Ethical Journalism “The closure of the magazine Feral Tribune in 2008 (a magazine published in Croatia but acclaimed across the region), after a boycott by advertisers over its critical reporting on politics and centers of power, is a brutal reminder that independent journalism that holds power to account can hardly survive in these testing times. This grim situation applies for the most part across the countries of Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro and also appears in the media landscape of Croatia, a European Union member state. This report gives an overview of major models of media corruption that limits quality journalism.” (pg. 9) In Egypt, the blurring of the lines between editorial content and commercial content is a global phenomenon and in Egypt, like everywhere else, advertising sales executives offering gray-area editorial opportunities to their clients know that journalists working in newsrooms can be asked to write up content to suit the advertiser’s needs. Journalists who accept this kind of work often get salary bonuses and end up making more money than their…show more content…
One of the finest editors, Bharat Bhushan, has identified four factors that affect media content in India:  A growing market for newspaper readership and television viewing;  Market perceptions of what readers with disposable incomes want  The changing role of the editor; and  Growing neo-liberal consensus between government, the corporate world and the The sale of editorial space for cash was started by the richest media house of India, Bennett Coleman and Company Limited (BCCL), which publishes the world’s largest selling English language daily, The Times of India. In 2003, the BCCL established a paid content service called Medianet. It offered to send journalists to cover product launches or celebrity events for a fee and came out with a tariff for different types of coverage. The ultimate goal of a just and peaceful world can only be achieved when there is transparency between government and its people, equality in terms of fundamental rights and strong as well as fast judicial system in the society. In a democratic country like India, the role of media can’t be ignored at all. With the advancement of technology, media has been able to connect

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