Role Of Email In Business Communication

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er 7 I. Describe the evolving role of email in business communication and explain how to adapt the three step writing process to email messages? Introduction Decades ago, emails began to outsource printed and faxed messages. Email was the first universally accessible tool by which people could communicate with each other over the Internet. More recently networking systems like Instant Messenger, social networks, blogs and shared workspaces have began to win popularity among Internet users when they wish to communicate. Although these new tools are great for quick communication between people, and are better for commutating project ideas, etc., business still prefer to use emails as a main source of communication among staff, customers and…show more content…
Many social networks and other tools have small character limits, where as emails do not. Overall email is an effective form of communication in the business world as it allows the senders to compose and send their messages privately and it allows the recipient to read it with comfort and personalization (Thill & Bovee, 1991, pp. 195). Since emails are such an important form of communication it is important to you understand how to compose an email if you plan on working in the business world, especially since many business employees main complain about emails is that most are of no…show more content…
Additionally it important to make sure you are not sending your email to anyone who it is not relevant to as it would be useless to them Second, if your company has an email policy, you should make sure that you understand terms and restrictions. Finally it is important to follow the chain of command and practice good email hygiene and etiquette (Thill & Bovee, 1991, pp. 195). In simple terms, don’t open spam mail and make sure your virus protection is up to date. Also make sure that if you are emailing outside of the business you understand the other company’s terms. Writing Emails – When writing an email there are some simple things that should be remembered. You should remember that business emails are more formal than personal emails and that this calls for you to revise your message’s language and grammar (Koltai, 2013). You should also remember that there are more legal aspects to emails within business. When adding completing the subject line you want to use appropriate words that will intrigue the audience. You should also do this in your first sentence of your body paragraph to grab their attention (Thill & Bovee, 1991, pp.
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