Rodger Chillingworth Scarlet Letter

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1) Rodger Chillingworth has been keeping an eye on Hester and Pearl because he is Hester's husband. 2)Chillingworth is a fairly good physician who came home to find his wife was the sinning example of the whole town. 3) Rev. Dimmesdale who is also Chillingworth's mentor is looking extremely ill and pale. 4) After denying medication from Chillingworth, Dimmesdale finally agrees on taking some medicine. 5) Chillingworth is after the secret of who impregnated his wife while he was and he cant find the answer anywhere. 6) Chillingworth decides its best if he moves in with Dimmesdale because of his health. 7) Dimmesdale's church doesnt like that sound of them moving in together because they feel that Chillingworth has changed him. 8) Ever since

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