Hesiod And Pandora

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This essay will propose two alternative theories of mythology – philosophical allegory, and structuralism (Dowden, 1992, p. 17-24) to the myth of Pandora, which is presented by Hesiod (Trzaskoma et al., 2004, p. 162-164). This myth, attempts to answer some of man’s most impossible questions: Why is there evil in the world? In a universe where powerful gods exist, why is mankind subjected to such pain? Both theories offer various insightful explanations of Hesiod’s narrative, offering to expose the moral and social ideas of the ancient authors. From the very beginning, this myth attempts to simply give a reason for the limitations of mankind. “…Zeus got his spleen up, and went and hid / How to make a living, all because shifty Prometheus / Tricked him. That is why Zeus made life hard for humans.” (see Works and Days 65). It seems like an answer almost too trivial, and is a rather unsatisfactory one so far, but then it is revealed how Zeus literally personifies evil in the most cunning and deceiving manner in order to make life for humans a misery, which in itself is evil by definition. The philosophical problem of evil is being resolved in an allegorical manner; it was the omnipotent god that decided to be vengeful after being deceived who has willingly introduced evil in…show more content…
It seems to imply that it is women who are actually the cause of the suffering of mankind. “But the woman took the lid off the big jar with her hands / And scattered all the miseries that spell sorrow for men” (see Works and Days 115). Zeus devised woman as a punishment, and the opening of the jar serves as the beginning of the Silver Age. Pandora was made beautiful and irresistible by the gods, and Hesiod writes that, despite all her beauty, woman is the bane of mankind, a curse that can only bring man suffering. This rather misogynistic idea seems to highlight the unimportance of women in ancient Greek society when compared to

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