Robin Hood Case Study

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SHERWOOD ENTERPRISES Sherwood enterprise is a business company owned by Robin Hood. Robin Hood is a great entrepreneur and the President of Sherwood enterprise. Sherwood enterprise is based in the Sherwood Forest, the world’s most loved heritage forest as a result of its exciting landscape that is esteemed by nearly every person who has heard of it. Robin Hood experienced a great success in the first year of the operation of the Sherwood Enterprise. The growth of his company has been extraordinary. Moreover, his company’s operation has also been uncontrolled during its first year of operation. It is, therefore, one among the many companies that experience an exponential growth during its formative stages. Sherwood Enterprise is finance…show more content…
Sherwood enterprise is a dealer in tax collection and Promotion of the business within the Sherwood Forest. It strongly believes that the strength lies in numbers. In addition to that, it fosters a good and well-coordinated…show more content…
Most industries in this phase are typically start-up firms, with large capital injected in and few sales. 2) Growth Phase It follows the pioneering phase. At this phase, an industry can transfer into the growth phase. It is characterized by a little competition and accelerated sales. Only industries which have survived start-up phase and have begun to recognize sales growth reach this phase. 3) Mature Growth Phase Industry will only reach the mature growth phase after passing growth phase. It is characterized above average growth, but no longer accelerating growth. All industries in this phase are open to face increasing competition and, as a result, profit margins begin to erode. 4) Stabilization After the growth phases, an industry/company will enter in the stabilization phase. It is characterized by an average growth. Industries in this phase have major competition and the return on equity is more normalized. It is the longest phase any industry will go through. 5) Decline Phase The decline phase follows the growth and maturity phases. It is characterized by declining growth as demand shifts to other substitute or new

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