River Pollution Analysis

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I was one of a large number of young people in Indonesia. I live in a small town, namely Jember, an area in East Java province. While still children first, I often bathe in the river together with my friends. At that time the river around our house is clean and there is no waste, we are happy to play there. It seems almost every day we were playing in the river. In fact, my brother also I take a shower stream. but now I see, there are no small children bathing in the river. I see no longer little kids who have fun and play in the river, because the river has been soiled by garbage household or industrial waste. river water becomes cloudy and smells, so it is not people who want to use it. In fact, the river water should be used to meet human…show more content…
I believe that in other countries this phenomenon also occurs. Therefore, I also believe that I and colleagues from other countries can discuss and find solutions to overcome the problem of river pollution. As young people from developing countries such as Indonesia, I can learn from colleagues from developed countries such as Japan or other countries. I can also learn from colleagues from other developing countries around the world. in IDY Forum, we can use our life experiences as an interesting case study for discussion and to find a solution. For I am currently living in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, which for decades faced the problem of river pollution by household garbage and industrial waste, IDY Forum could be a way to find solutions to overcome this problem. Based on the data, this time around XXXX tonnes of waste generated by households in Jakarta. This figure would be higher if it is added by waste from industrial activities. Jakarta as a metropolitan city and industrial center, it threatened the quality of human life, because of pollution and waste. Moreover, this Forum IDY event held in Japan, a developed country in Asia, which has been known by the people who are disciplined to maintain cleanliness. In addition to discussions with colleagues from other countries, I can see the culture and lifestyle of the people in Japan directly, how they…show more content…
Give me a young man, it will shake the world ". It is the famous words of Soekarno, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. The sentence, but also clearly illustrates that the younger generation has the extraordinary power to make a change, doing new things, and make a massive movement for change. Nowadays many young people who use social media in spreading campaigns of movement changes. Social media can be used to attract the attention of the public and the media, so often change movement campaign spread quickly and become a big movement. Social media can be used to spread the river clean-up activities were conducted olrh nature lover or traveler community. Currently, the communities of this sort began to emerge and the numbers are very much in Indonesia, particularly in Java. A case study in Jember, East Java, the "Rehearsal-time Rehearsal" performed routinely every two weeks by a traveler communities has inspired many people to join in this activity. In this activity, the teenagers picking up trash in the river, such as garbage of plastic, metal, shopping bag, other dams. Garbage is collected in kantng crackle and transported by a garbage truck belonging to the Regional Government of Jember. Such activities could be one solution to tackle river pollution. Young people who join the traveler community like this could be a driving force for the surrounding community. During the campaign, the community

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