Riposte In Tertio Analysis

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In the "Riposte in Tertio," Granny did commit many sins, but she did them for a good cause. Granny, who raised Bayard for most of his life, stole mules from people and sold them back to their original owners, "How many head of mules have you sold back to the Yankees? 'A hundred and five,' Granny said" (Faulkner 123). The scamming was done with the help of Ab Snopes who was a man John hired to protect his family. They would steal mules from the Union soldiers deployed in the Southern region, then unbranded the mules so no one could recognize the mules were someone else's property, and then resell the mules back to the Union troops for a profit. There was even a time when Ringo forged letters in the name of Colonel Newberry and managed to take…show more content…
Faulkner writes how this was an act of kindness in his Nobel Prize speech, "not for glory and least of all profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit" (par. 1). This quote directly relates to Granny's actions because she did not give away her money to be more popular in her community, but to help others in need during the hard times of the war. This set an example for Bayard because it showed him that not everyone is perfect and people will do wrong things to help others. Moreover this why symbolically Granny can be seen as a Robin Hood like figure because she takes from the rich and gives to the poor. Faulkner also said in his acceptance speech how people must risk their lives for the well being of others, "He is immortal not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance" (par. 5). When forging the note for the mules in the name of Colonel Newberry, Granny knew the risk of getting caught, yet she still went on with the plan and overcame the risk of possibly being imprisoned to help her people. Still, Granny did get

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