Rhetorical Analysis Of John F Kennedy's Inaugural Address

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During the 1960s, America was going through many social and political issues. There was a huge conflict between whites and blacks over superiority in the states while overseas communism was starting to take into affect once again. In order to battle against these issues, America was hoping for a promising leader that could help them towards the path of success. In John F. Kennedy, they saw someone whom they had trust in to amend all the issues at hand. Kennedy’s main intention was to evoke a sense of national unity so that everyone as a whole could fight against all these negative ideals. His inaugural address served as a platform to soothe the emotions of the crowd through the use of ethos, pathos, and logos. Kennedy was able to validate…show more content…
His speech was meant to appeal to different groups alike. The pathos of this process was meant to be applied to these groups. Kennedy was able to capture the attention of his audience, by constantly keeping an emotional bond present. He was able to collectively keep a bond between all the people. With this ideal in place, Kennedy states “assure the survival and the success of Liberty” (JFK). This assurance of liberty that is stated serves to preserve the relations we have with our allies and thus supports Kennedy’s method of thinking. Kennedy further brought upon political factions as well, such as the nuclear weapon crisis with the Soviet Union. He exclaimed that, “two great and powerful nations [cannot] take comfort from our present course” (JFK). For once there is some hope that both countries have come to amends and will soon have all the issues at hand resolved. Henceforth, Kennedy proclaimed how we as individuals could contribute to such terrible crisis going on around the world: “what together we can do for the freedom of man” (JFK). This also implied that it was possible to live in country with peace and pleasure as long as everyone was willing to reciprocate with one another. These ideals allowed there to be pathos and logos prevalent throughout the President’s speech, and therefore he was able to keep an emotional and secure connection with his

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