Rhetorical Analysis Of Florence Kelly's Speech

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On July 22, 1905, Florence Kelly has a job to get these women educated on the importance on why they should take a stand and get their right to vote. She uses her tone, facts, and rhetorical strategies to get on a personal level with the mothers and teachers that could lead to women’s right to vote and put an end to childhood labor. Florence Kelly speaks at the National American Woman Association, to women who want the right to vote, and gets the point of abolishing child labor across by using rhetorical strategies such as repeating important phrases and speaking in a pleading tone to let the audience know how dire the consequences are and the need for “freeing the children from toil!” Opening the speech, Kelly starts with an important emotional appeal in a way that will immediately force the women to listen. She states that at the time America had “two million children under the age of sixteen years who are earning their bread.” With such an affecting opening, Kelly is already using dramatic numbers that will make the audience listen to what she’s saying. Continuing with the idea, Kelly brings up a more personal statement. The speaker says…show more content…
She pulls them together as one when she states, “We do not wish this…. But we are almost powerless.” She continues with this thought by saying that she will use the right of petition “in every possible way until the right to ballot is granted,….” This lets the women know that there is something they can do and brings them together to say they all have the same opinion. Striking them emotionally by making them feel powerless, then telling them they are not completely powerless saying, “What can we do to free our consciences? There is one line of action by which we can do much.” This statement lets one know that Kelly joined the women together to be a part of her

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