Rhetorical Analysis Of All Animals Are Equal

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In "All Animals Are Equal", by Peter Singer he states that we should give the same respect to the lives of animals, as we give to the lives of humans. In addition, he also claims that animals and humans are equal, therefore, they should be treated the same. Singer defines speciesism as a, "a prejudice or attitude of bias in favour of the interest of members of other species. In other words, speciesism is the prejudice by humans against animals and the idea that humans are superior to animals. People might take Singer's idea as a joke or something crazy, however, as we take a closer look into his article, we realize that this idea is actually a huge improvement on speciesism. He doesn't state that people animals are exactly alike or should be treated the same way. "Woman have a right to vote for instance, because they are just as capable of making rational decisions as men are; dogs, on the other hand are incapable of understanding the significance of voting, so they cannot have the right to vote."…show more content…
He mentions how when Mary Wallstonecraft published her book, "Vindication of the Rights of Woman" in 1792, everyone thought that her ideas were crazy and created jokes about them as well. Singer use this as an example to show the mockery that can be presented on groundbreaking theories just because they go against commonly-held misconceptions. In addition, he used Thomas Taylor's "Vindication of the Rights of the Brutes", which was a satire of Mary's ideas, to demonstrate to the readers the basic problems revolutionary ideas

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