Reward Power Analysis

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Reward power comes from the ability to confer valued material rewards or create other positive incentives. It refers to the degree to which the individual can provide external motivation to others through benefits or gifts. In an organization, this motivation may include promotions, increases in pay, or extra time off. Coercive Power Coercive power is the threat and application of sanctions and other negative consequences. These can include direct punishment or the withholding of desired resources or rewards. Coercive power relies on fear to induce compliance. 1.3.2 How will you influence and use your authority so that your team goals are achieved. When we confuse the concept of the whole team from its new ideas. You have to like to use…show more content…
And it also helps to manage because so they can be seen in official business, but positive growth , all employees according to their rank or position , good governance affect its work done , and his team member her your article has a higher type of work experience , it can also help manage . Team member of the Authority’s work depends on their different rights and good governance and the environment. 1.4.1 Explain what delegation is and why it is needed in the organisation. Delegation is assigning responsibility and authority to someone in order to complete a clearly defined and agreed upon task while you retain ultimate responsibility for its success. Delegation incorporates empowering your teammates through effective leadership, and may be directed in any direction and used in any organization 1.4.2 What are the traditional and current perspectives of delegation explain and compare both. Traditional and delegations is very clear. The repository is a simple traditional view of the authorization process is not too expensive. Any higher power can be transmitted to his subordinates. Now, he said that his delegation was very dangerous. As a subordinate can deceive nor perform their duties properly. 1.4.3 Why team participating is encouraged is an…show more content…
Positive motivator Positive motivation makes people willing to do their in the best way they can and improve their performance. Positive motivations offer some reward to people to act in the desired manner. It is, indeed, a tool of creating an interest in the mind of the employees for better performance so as to each the attainment of organization goals. Negative motivator Negative motivation means the act of forcing employees to work by means of threats and punishment. Sometimes must initiates some against employees with a view to discouraging them understand behaviour and encouraging positive behaviour. It is the negative treatment exercise on the employees who are not performing their work as expected. 2.3.2 Identifies the implication for management practice for two of the management style. Democratic style A democratic manager delegates authority to his/her staff, giving them responsibility to complete the task given to them. Staff will complete the tasks using their own work methods. However, the task must be completed on time. Employees are involved in decision making giving them a sense of belonging and
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