Resurrection: Christian Religious Theories Of Life After Death

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Resurrection is the Christian religious theory of life after death. It is a materialistic view of life after death as it supports the idea that the body and the mind cannot be separated, arguing that after death the body “continues”. However the theoretical Eternal Life of the resurrected individual does not represent the biological definition of living. Indeed, our abilities to breathe, grow, feed or reproduce are not eternal. Furthermore, our body is not brought back to life, as it decays after biological death. We are raised from the dead in a spiritual form; we are the same individuals, with the same body, only the body is recreated rather than regenerated. Our physical structure is raised by the energy that operates the universe. Resurrection…show more content…
However it is only the first step of Resurrection, as we then have to achieve Eternal Life, in order for both our body and our spirit to be alive. The resurrection of the body, which leads to eternal life, is in fact the knowledge of the Presence of God, and Jesus Christ. While resurrection is for everyone, “a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out”, Eternal Life is reserved for those who deserve it, and have gained the presence of God and Jesus Christ throughout their lives, by doing good and doing what God planned for them to do “those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.” (John 5:28,29—NIV). God also chooses some specific people to spread His word and obey His will. These people, His elect, have a talent for being God’s servants. They were chosen at the beginning of the world, and if they fulfil their purpose they will be seated next to Jesus Christ and share the glorified state of being reunited with their bodies, in which they will live…show more content…
Furthermore, the belief of the Resurrection, followed by the Day of the Lord and finally eternal seem very complex, and yet believed by all Christians. Moreover, several aspects of the Christian resurrection fit in well with theories such as the ones expressed in Plato’s Republic. If we take the example of God’s elect mentioned above, we observe that God is extremely strict with them, and this is explained because we will be God’s Rulers and judges in the future. This theory is very similar to Plato’s Philosophers-Rulers; God’s elect representing the Rulers, and therefore having to sacrifice things in their lives, such as a family, or possessions. For God’s elect, the sacrifice is themselves; they have to offer themselves to God entirely. Additionally, some aspects are also in accordance with Intuitionism; indeed it is said that for an individual who has not heard the religious calling of the Holy Spirit does good by following his conscience; the conscience can here be associated with intuition, therefore an individual in order to access eternal life should follow his conscience in order to do good, like the ethical theory of Intuitionism put forward by G.E.

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