Reservation Research Paper

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Growing up, I was never as grateful, as I should have been until I went to the reservation my mom grew up. When I was 6 my family went down to Oregon to visit our family it was like a whole other world from what I knew. I will never forget the time I spent there because it changed the way I thought so much. A reservation is a small land that the government set aside for a group of Native Americans. When we first drove up on the dirt road, it was the alcohol store I saw first bottles were all over the ground littered for anyone to see; my tribe is known for its casino and that’s about it. The reservation is a wasteland of problems. Most of the houses are old small RVs. when I was there, I forgot the word ungrateful because all I could think about was how glad I was I didn’t grow up there.…show more content…
There were 2 bedrooms. 3 kid’s ages ranging from 14 to 7 all shared one room however, they didn’t really seem to mind; though they may not like it, they could have had worse. My oldest cousin always saw the bright side, and she used to say the most interesting things. For example her response to me asking how she could be so happy living in the town she lives in was “she was just thankful she was living at all”. This is what really started to make me think over my life. Their life style was so different from what I knew. It seemed so sad and depressing yet they were

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