Research Paper Outline On Modern Slavery

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Topic: The Global Impact of Modern Slavery. Thesis Statement: Modern slavery, also called human trafficking, has shown to be an incredibly serious global issue. Background Info/Intro: When she was eighteen, Chong Kim, who grew up in Oklahoma, was abducted by a man whom she had been dating. There, traffickers forced her and a large number of other young women to live in storage units where they were then transported across the United States as part of a prostitution ring. Several years later, she finally managed to escape through a vent in a Las Vegas casino. Unfortunately, Kim’s story is not a rare occurrence. Modern slavery, also called human trafficking, has shown to be an incredibly serious global issue. Prior Knowledge: People often don’t…show more content…
How widespread is human trafficking? 4. Why is human trafficking such a widespread occurrence? 5. What countries, states, cities, etc., have the most reported cases of human trafficking? 6. What are some international and U.S. laws relating to human trafficking? 7. Who is the most at risk of becoming a victim? 8. What barriers prevent human trafficking from being stopped immediately? 9. How does human trafficking affect victims psychologically? Primary Questions: 1. How many people are estimated to be victims of human trafficking each year? 2. How does human trafficking affect society as a whole? 3. Can human trafficking be stopped altogether? Possible Sources: 1. Interview with personnel from an organization such as Triad Ladder of Hope on local and global human trafficking. 2. This website, which gives official information on human trafficking, could also be a possible source: 3. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s annual report from 2014. 4. Interview with personnel from either the F.B.I.’s Charlotte office or the police

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